Let justice flow like water – (climate) justice among the prophets

What it is about

What it is about

SDG 13 states: ‘Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts’. Climate change affects every country on every continent today. It has a negative impact on national economies and the lives of every individual. Weather phenomena are changing, sometimes dramatically, sea levels are rising, droughts and floods are occurring all over the world and greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. The people most affected are those in the Global South, who are themselves least responsible for human-made climate change.

The teaching unit for upper secondary level was developed in collaboration with ‘RE for climate’ (German: ‘reli fürs klima’), a regional German project to integrate climate justice questions in Religious Education. It integrates materials from ‘Bread for the world’ on the topic of climate change and climate justice, that originate in that project.  

This teaching unit is based on the three steps ‘Recognise – Apprehend – Act’:

  1. ‘Let justice flow like waters, and righteousness like a never-failing stream’ – biblical approach with reference to Amos 5:24.
  2. Elaboration of the global perspective on climate change, the realisation of climate justice and the effects on the Global South and the Global North.
  3. Application of the results of the development of the biblical and global perspective to the students’ own lives, in the own school practice and in the own social environment.

At least 6×45minutes teaching time is estimated for the teaching unit. All three parts of the unit can also be carried out in much greater depth and with more time and effort.


climate justice – step 1 recognise

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climate justice – step 2 apprehend

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climate justice – step 3 act

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climate justice – didactic commentary

For the upper secondary school „Climate justice“ has been on everyone’s lips since the powerful appearance of the „Fridays for future“ movement. In the context of the conciliar process for…

Material in this unit

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