climate justice – step 3 act


The insights gained in steps 1 and 2 are incorporated into a simulation game or role play, through which the students develop concrete options for action to strengthen climate justice in their everyday lives in school, church and society.

Option 1

In a simulation game, the pupils independently develop goals and steps for conserving water as a resource in everyday school life. In a first step, delegations are formed in four small groups to gather information about problems, for example associated with flooding and climate change. Students also research information about prevention measures and possibilities how to improve them or better deal with the problems. Local as well as worldwide examples are taken into account.  (information from step 2 can also be used).

Option 2

Alternative: Role play (M11) In a role play (meeting of a parish council), the students take on different positions on the question how a church community should deal with its property in a new development area in the tension between social justice and climate justice. The aim is to formulate draft resolutions and vote on them in the parish council.


  • The students…


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